October 04, 2017

Exporting fresh liquid milk to the Middle East

You don't export fresh milk. It doesn't make any sense. Received wisdom is it's too heavy and bulky and goes off too quickly.

Instead your only option is to take milk and then turn it into products that are much easier to send oversees like cheese, milk powder or butter.

Well I'm here to tell you received wisdom is completely wrong. To the tune of £5 for two litres of milk.

A little bit awkwardly, this was received wisdom I believed in.

I never thought I'd meet a Shropshire farmer sending his milk to supermarkets thousands of miles away.

And yet on a drizzly autumn day on Little Cloveley Farm near Whitchurch, that's just what happened.

There I was, standing talking to a farmer sending his milk to Qatar. And David Price was an extremely happy dairy farmer, as he says this new export trade is "fantastic".

So how on earth did this happen? Well, it's a mixture of top quality British milk, savvy exporters and Middle East politics


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